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Haiti Outreach Ministry of Evangelism (HOME)


Pastor Ribinson Cherisma partners with fellow WISE graduate Rodney Jusme and associate Bully Robenson to

spread the gospel in Haiti. HOME exists to pray, teach, evangelize and love in the name of Jesus Christ.


"In Matthew 25:31-46 Jesus presents himself as being the one who was hungry, thirsty, a stranger, and prisoner. He rejected those who rejected the lease of these, but accepted those who cared for them. I believe Jesus is telling us that the good news about him is to be spread to the ends of the eartch, including into the dark places." 




Support Local Pastors

and Orphanages


LUKE101 partners with HOME to support community pastors in Haiti. Distributions, training, clinics, and visitation help to encourage and compliment local ministries.​

Homeland Campus


The Homeland Campuses an ongoing project supported and facilitated by a partnership between LUKE101 and the HOME Team. Groundbreaking for the first house was January 2017. The next building will be a multipurpose structure used for large gatherings such as church services, kids clubs, preacher trainings, after school programs, and more. The long term vision for the campus includes a retreat center that can serve both the community and local churches. Dorms and additional housing for HOME Team ministry staff are planned for the future.



HOME also offers a soccer/discipleship program in communities including the CAD orphanage. The goal of the soccer programs to train young men to be Christ followers and community leaders. High grades, community service, regular devotions, and church involvement are requirements to be a HOME team athlete.

Kids Clubs


Kids Club ministry is built around the idea of serving the least of these. HOME pastors organize and teach five kids clubs in various communities; the clubs meet weekly and have one 450 in attendance. Children interact through games, art, bible stories, and music. The goal is to expand kids club programming to offer a nutritious meal and basic reading and writing instruction, as many of these children are not able to attend school.

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